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Examination Security

COMVEX is a computer-based examination administered at one of the several hundred Pearson VUE test centers located throughout the US and Canada. Both the NBOME and Pearson VUE have taken steps to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the exams.

NBOME is committed to the convenience and security delivered with all our computer-based exams, including COMVEX which is administered to osteopathic physicians through Pearson VUE test centers. All examinations are proctored.

Examinees must abide by the conduct and confidentiality requirements outlined in the COMVEX Bulletin of Information. Any instances of Irregular Conduct will be investigated by the NBOME, and all decisions of the NBOME are final and binding on the examinee and on the state board requesting or sponsoring the exam.

In addition to ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the electronic exams, neither the NBOME nor Pearson VUE will disclose personal data to any individual or entity without written, signed consent or a court order.

All test materials associated with COMVEX examinations are copyrighted and are the property of the NBOME. The COMVEX test materials may not be reproduced, distributed, or used in any manner or form without prior express written authorization of the NBOME.

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