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Core Competency

Capstone for DOs

At the completion of its work, the Special Commission on Osteopathic Medical Licensure (Special Commission) recommended a COM-based COMLEX-USA national standardized assessment which includes an in-person, hands-on evaluation of fundamental osteopathic clinical skills including interpersonal and communications skills and OMT, with quality assurance. The NBOME Board accepted this recommendation in June 2022 and committed funds and resources to the development and pilot testing of a core competency capstone for osteopathic medical students (C3DO).

The prototype in development will assess patient-physician communication skills and hands-on physical exam and OMT skills in a multi-station OSCE model using standardized patients that is designed for entry into residency program level.

A task force has been created to provide oversight for the pilot project and resulting capstone program, and comprises individuals from across the osteopathic medical education and licensure spectrum.

Please check back for updates as this important work continues.
