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Our assessments play a key role in fostering continuous quality improvement and lifelong learning, which ensures patients have access to the best care possible. We achieve this purpose through service and partnership with the medical education and regulatory communities.

COMLEX-USA -- Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination

Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination: The pathway to osteopathic medical practice & licensure in the United States.

COMSAE -- Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Self-Assessment Examination

Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Self-Assessment Examination: A self-assessment exam used as a COMLEX-USA preparation tool.


The WelCOM assessment series is offered on the CATALYST platform and provides osteopathic medical students and residents with a new means of reinforcing their medical knowledge and assessing their strengths and weaknesses in the COMLEX-USA blueprint areas.

COMAT -- Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Achievement Tests

Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Achievement Tests: Assessment of core knowledge & osteopathic principles essential for predoctoral osteopathic medical students.

COMAT -- Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Achievement Tests - Self Evaluation

A self-assessment tool offered on the CATALYST platform that assists osteopathic medical students in their readiness for COMAT Clinical exams.

COMVEX -- Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Variable-Purpose Examination

Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Variable-Purpose Examination: Examinations for osteopathic physicians to demonstrate current osteopathic medical knowledge.
