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Reports & Transcripts

Score Reports

Scores will generally be available within 8–10 weeks of the examination date. Occasionally, short delays in score reporting occur because of circumstances that are beyond NBOME’s control.

Note: Students and osteopathic medical school dean’s offices will be able to access and print test results immediately after they become available along with the student’s’ examination history. Up-to-date information about student test-taking activities and test results remain online for accessing and printing at the student’s and osteopathic medical school dean’s convenience.

For those needing a duplicate score report from an examination completed before implementation of electronic score reporting in 2012, please send a written request to:

Client Services
NBOME Corporate Offices & Conference Center
8765 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60631-4174.

Please allow 10 business days for delivery. For questions, contact NBOME Client Services.
Score reports printed from the NBOME’s portal do not take the place of an NBOME-certified transcript.

Score Confirmation

Information about Candidate Score Confirmation is provided in the COMLEX-USA Bulletin of Information. Further information regarding failing scores is available in the COMLEX-USA Level 2-PE Post-Examination FAQ. Failing candidates should consult with their school for recommended remediation programs. A score confirmation only recalculates the candidate score. The NBOME does not rescore encounters or components by videotape nor review case-specific or general deficiencies with candidates.

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