Contact Us: 866.479.6828

COMAT Clinical Subjects  |  Security & Support


We are committed to the convenient and secure delivery of all computer-based tests, including the COMAT examination series, whether administered on-site at a COM or at a Prometric test center. Every exam is proctored and the NBOME provides pre-examination proctor training. Each exam in the COMAT series has multiple forms, allowing COMs to securely administer a given COMAT subject exam up to 10 times per year.

In addition to ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the electronic exams, neither the NBOME nor Prometric will disclose personal data to any individual or entity without written, signed consent or a court order.


Through Client Services, we provide support to COMs for COMAT scheduling, registration, administration, security, online resources, proctor training, sample examinations, score reporting and technical support.

For system specification and test administration questions, please call NBOME Client Services at 866-479-6828 or contact us.

For in-depth information, please review the COMAT Test Administration Guide as well as the pages dedicated to each discipline.

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