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Standardizing Judgment: A Qualitative Study of How SPs Co-Construct Meaning

Association of Standardized Patient Annual Conference, June 9-11, 2019

Standardizing Judgment: A Qualitative Study of How SPs Co-Construct Meaning

This presentation reported on the results of a discourse analysis of 22 Standardized Patient (SP) interviews. The research received IRB approval through the University of California, San Diego. The research questions were: 1) How do SPs maintain “standardization” in role performance and assessment, 2) to what degree to SPs adhere to standardization? The results concluded that 1) the term “standardization” is co-constructed by test developers, psychometricians, SP trainers, and SPs, 2) SP trainers employ non-standardized approaches in their training, and 3) SPs are highly invested in maintaining a standard of role portrayal and assessment but the personal resources they bring to it are highly subjective.
