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NBOME Partners with American College of Diabetology on first-ever certification exams

December 7, 2023

Given NBOME’s experience in providing valid, reliable, fair and defensible assessments for numerous clients in the health professions, the American College of Diabetology (ACD) began work with the NBOME  in 2022 for help administering and evaluating their first-ever certification examination. The ACD was formed to ensure high standards in diabetes expertise, care delivery, and clinical diabetes management among primary care physicians. The first certification examination was administered at Pearson VUE sites, the NBOME’s testing partner, the first week of December 2023. The exam will be given annually in December moving forward.

In this partnership, the NBOME will provide services including item writing and editing, test development, publishing, program management and administration support, as well as psychometric services and recommendations to ACD to ensure the quality, reliability, and fairness of the ACD certification exams.

“This partnership speaks to the expertise of the NBOME in providing customized exam services for osteopathic medicine and with related-health care professions,” said Jinghua Liu, PhD, MBA, MEd, vice president for collaborative assessment at the NBOME. “We are thrilled to use our proven skillset to help ACD deliver exams that certify primary care physicians who will provide excellent care to their patients with diabetes.”

The NBOME currently offers customized assessment services to nearly 25 organizations focused on osteopathic medicine and related health professions, providing an ever-expanding range of services and resources for assessing competency. In addition, on its CATALYST platform, the NBOME works closely with the American Osteopathic Association on the administration of many of its Osteopathic Continuous Certification examinations using longitudinal assessment.

Learn more about the NBOME’s customized assessment services.

About the NBOME:
The NBOME is an independent, non-governmental, nonprofit assessment organization committed to protecting the public by providing the means to assess competencies for osteopathic medicine and related health care professions. NBOME’s COMLEX-USA examination series is a requirement for graduation from colleges of osteopathic medicine and provides the pathway to licensure for osteopathic physicians in the United States and numerous international jurisdictions.

Renee Cree, MA
Director for Communications
