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COMLEX-USA Scoring Principles Intro Paragraph

Examination Scoring

For the COMLEX-USA computer-based cognitive examinations, the number of questions answered correctly (the raw score) is converted to a standard score for the purposes of reporting results and providing a pass/fail designation.

With the exception of unscored pretest questions, each test question contributes equally to the candidate’s score. The total reported score is a model-based standard score that takes into account the response to each question and the psychometric properties of the examination.

A passing score for all COMLEX-USA levels is based solely on a candidate’s performance on the total examination, not on a candidate’s performance in individual content areas. Score reports display a graphical representation of performance profiles that summarizes strengths and weaknesses in relation to the examination blueprint.

COMLEX-USA computer-based examinations are administered continuously throughout the year. All examination dates are published on the NBOME website. Osteopathic medical schools receive summary reports at the end of the annual testing cycle. The COMLEX-USA school summary reports provide information on candidate performance at the school level compared to the national performance.
