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5 Reasons Why You Want WelCOM for Your COMLEX-USA Prep

February 4, 2021

When it comes to learning new information, we all have different learning styles. For most of us, it’s all about how the content is presented to us. There is also something to be said about the environment in which we learn in.

When it comes to learning new information, we all have different learning styles. For most of us, it’s all about how the content is presented to us. There is also something to be said about the environment in which we learn in. Some of us prefer to be indoors, seated at a computer and laser-focused with a cup of herbal tea, while others need sound or stimulation with fresh air and a can of Red Bull. Whatever your style, we’ve got you covered. Our newest product, WelCOM, creates an all-new way to test your osteopathic knowledge to see if you’re ready for COMLEX-USA Level 1 or 2-CE.

We’re pretty sure you’re familiar with COMSAE—you may have even used it. WelCOM is an entirely different self-assessment tool, designed for busy schedules much like yours. It’s a convenient formative assessment platform for durable and complex learning—essentially, we’ll help you learn and retain what is uniquely challenging to you through Q&A.

Now, you can not only fit more study-time into your busy schedule, but also receive immediate feedback and reference related materials right on the spot, (a big part of the learning and retention concept). Want to know more? Keep scrolling to explore all the reasons why you should check out WelCOM.


Sometimes, you just want to pick up studying and go. Preparing for COMLEX-USA shouldn’t mean you have to press the pause button on your life and glue yourself to your computer. With WelCOM, you can access questions anywhere, anytime, using any smart device. When you’re on the go, or really just want to lay in bed and crank out a few questions, we’re here for you. WelCOM’s mobile smartphone app makes it almost too easy to access self-assessment questions.


WelCOM not only lets you decide where you answer the questions, but also when. Don’t want to sit down for two hours and binge questions? You don’t have to. While the self-assessments we normally offer are taken at a single point in time, WelCOM allows you to customize the pacing of your questions to fit your own unique study schedule. You’ll even get reminders if you aren’t keeping up with your questions.


That gut-wrenching ‘how did I do?’ anticipation has no place here. WelCOM provides instant feedback on each question as you complete it. No more waiting until the end of your self-assessment to find out how you did, wondering which questions you got correct, which you got incorrect, or why. WelCOM’s instant feedback is what helps guide your learning and increases your understanding as you go.

Enhanced Learning

What’s better than instant gratification? Rationales with associated references. A rationale tells you why the right answer is correct, and why the incorrect answers are not. This allows you to reinforce the material in the question so that you can learn from your performance on that question before you move on to a new concept. While answer rationales explain the ‘why,’ related references allow you to read further to reinforce your learning and help you to better understand the material, if needed for a particular concept

WelCOM also maps directly to COMLEX-USA blueprint, so you can see areas of the blueprint you need to focus on more in your future studies.

Modern Approach

We’ll help you tackle COMLEX-USA preparation from all angles. You don’t have to pick one or the other—WelCOM can be used in addition to COMSAE. It will work on your content and question format mastery, while COMSAE is perfect for getting game-day ready, since it mimics how COMLEX-USA will look when you go to take it. It is written by the same subject matter experts as COMLEX-USA, and to the COMLEX-USA blueprint, so you know you are getting the best preparation for COMLEX!

To learn more, visit the WelCOM page on our website or check out our latest video. Are you ready for launch?


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