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Exam Series

Exam Format

Each of the COMAT exams consists of 120 items that must be completed within 2 hours and 30 minutes. A 5-minute tutorial is provided before each exam begins.

Every examination in the COMAT series has multiple forms, and all are psychometrically equivalent in content covered, level of difficulty, and reliability, allowing COMs to administer a given COMAT subject exam up to 10 times per year.

Eight Core Clinical Disciplines
Examination Series Components
  • The COMAT Exam Series is the only osteopathically distinctive subject examination series in which osteopathic principles and practice are integrated throughout each exam.
  • The COMAT exams are presented in a style and format comparable to the COMLEX-USA licensure series, a benefit for both osteopathic medical students and COMs.
  • COMs can administer affordable COMAT examinations to complement their curricula and support educational objectives and program cycles.
  • COMs can select the combination of disciplines that best meet their unique needs and requirements.
  • COMs obtain the ability of choosing the timetable in which to administer examinations.
  • Each COM has a secure NBOME Account for tracking student progress across all assessments.
  • Convenient web and iPad delivery of COMAT subject exams offer enhanced security, adaptability, and flexibility for COM administration.
  • Administration of COMAT subject exams is also available at Prometric testing centers throughout the US and Canada.
  • COMs receive detailed feedback through school summary reports and individual student score reports, and scores are compared with national performance.
  • COMAT is developed by leaders in osteopathic medicine and education, backed by decades of NBOME experience and expertise.
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