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Other Unprofessional Conduct

NBOME deems professionalism to be an important competency of an osteopathic physician, and a candidate must demonstrate professionalism at all times. Unprofessional conduct includes but is not limited to:

When any unprofessional conduct comes to the attention of the NBOME, the NBOME at its sole discretion may take any action it deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, any action for Irregular Conduct and/or any of the following:

As with other Irregular Conduct, information relating to a candidate’s unprofessional conduct may become part of the permanent record of the candidate maintained by the NBOME. The NBOME may in its sole discretion release any or all of the candidate’s information or action(s) taken by the NBOME relating to the candidate’s Irregular Conduct or unprofessional conduct to the candidate’s medical school, residency program director, any licensing board, authority, or other person(s) or entity or entities deemed appropriate by the NBOME or as required by law, without prior notice to or the consent of the candidate.


Bulletin of Information 2024-2025
