What We DO
Protect the Public by Providing the Means to Assess Competencies for Osteopathic Medicine & Related Health Care Professions
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Osteopathically Distinctive Assessments
The NBOME is the leading provider of assessment tools for the osteopathic medical profession. Our three-part examination series, COMLEX-USA, is the only licensure assessment needed to demonstrate competency for licensure in the United States and many international jurisdictions.

Ensuring a national standard that is aligned with the distinctive ways in which osteopathic physicians are educated and trained
We have worked with our National Faculty to develop subject examinations in both biomedical sciences and clinical sciences. These achievement examinations, COMAT, measure knowledge in foundational biomedical subjects and specific osteopathic clinical disciplines.
We provide a number of self-assessment tools to assist students in gauging their knowledge before taking COMLEX-USA, such as WelCOM, COMSAE, and COMAT-SE.
The NBOME continues to evolve with the practice of osteopathic medicine, and creates products designed to support a growth mindset and lifelong learning culture in our profession. Through assessment, we support the profession to help ensure that patients have access to the best care possible when they choose an osteopathic physician to be their doctor.

Education & Advocacy
The NBOME advocates for osteopathic medical students, residents, and physicians and their COMLEX-USA credential through education, outreach, and collaboration. We work tirelessly to educate about osteopathically distinctive care and assessment.

Customized Assessment Services
From osteopathic medical school and residency to certification, recertification, and professional development, the NBOME offers a wide range of services and resources for assessing competency in osteopathic medicine and related healthcare professions.

Research is key to demonstrating the validity, reliability and fairness of NBOME assessments, and to exploring future developments. NBOME staff, National Faculty, and consultants continuously investigate current tools and look to new methodologies and testing theories to shape the development of these and future assessments.
Publications & Reports
The NBOME Strategic Plan guides the overall work of the organization. The Fundamental Osteopathic Medical Competency Domains document and NBOME Standards for Quality Assurance inform our blueprint (what we assess) and our assessment methods (how we develop and evaluate our assessments). The NBOME publishes an Annual Report on its activities.