PHILADELPHIA, PA. The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME), an independent, nonprofit organization who provides testing for osteopathic medical licensure, today announced Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, as the recipient of their 2019 Santucci Award. The award recognizes sustained outstanding contributions to the NBOME’s mission of protecting the public by providing the means to assess competencies for osteopathic medicine and related health care professions.
At their midyear Board of Directors meeting, celebrating their 85th anniversary as an organization, the NBOME honored their past-chair and longtime National Faculty leader, Dr. Thomas A. Cavalieri.
“It is an honor and a privilege to celebrate the life and work of a man who has had such an impact on our mission and our profession,” said current NBOME Board Chair, Dana Shaffer, DO. “His work and dedication have gone a long way toward producing superior doctors and outcomes for patients across the US.”

Dr. Cavalieri was first recruited in the late 1980s as an exam item writer by fellow NBOME past-chairs, Frederick G. Meoli, DO and Thomas Santucci, DO. He became Board President in 2001, and Board Chair in 2002 when the NBOME first hired a full-time physician President and CEO. During this time, he oversaw the launch of the COMLEX-USA Level 2-Performance Evaluation.
Dr. Cavalieri has led various NBOME committees, chairing the COMLEX-USA Level 3 examination committee as well as the Standards and Assurances committee. Additionally, he was a principle author of the published manuscript, “The Predictive Validity of Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examinations for Osteopathic Medical Knowledge Measured by Graduate Written Examinations.”
“Dr. Cavalieri led the NBOME at a pivotal time in our history,” said NBOME President & CEO, John R. Gimpel, DO, MEd. “His leadership has set an example of steadfast commitment to excellence and osteopathic distinctiveness that he has continued long past his tenure at our organization.”