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NBOME Names Four COMs for C3DO Pilot Projects

December 9, 2022

On Friday, December 9, 2022 the NBOME Board of Directors reviewed the Core Competency Capstone for DOs (C3DO) Task Force’s recommendations and selected four Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (COMs) to participate in the 1st set of pilot projects for the Core Competency Capstone for DOs:

The C3DO Task Force and the Board of Directors weighed many factors and came to the final selection after careful deliberation.

The NBOME looks forward to working closely with the selected COMs over the coming months. Pilots are planned to take place April through June, 2023.

As efforts move forward in the planning and execution of the project, the NBOME will continue to publish the progress of further pilot development and administration to ensure that all of the colleges of osteopathic medicine can follow updates to this investigative process.

The NBOME appreciates the time and effort taken by all fourteen COMs that submitted a proposal and anticipates the possible inclusion of those COMs and others in future pilots and implementation of the C3DO.
