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NBOME Launches Answer Keys with Student-purchased COMSAE Forms

January 17, 2024

Beginning in February, the NBOME will include answer keys with the COMSAE Phase 1 and Phase 2 forms that are available for individual/student purchase.

This additional tool will allow test-takers to learn which of their answers were right and which were wrong, so that they may focus their studies on areas in which they need additional support. The answer key will accompany the score report each candidate receives after completing and submitting their COMSAE form.

A Phase 1 form with answer key will be available for purchase on February 7, and two Phase 2 forms with answer keys will follow on February 14. Each form will cost $60. Candidates may or log into their online Portal accounts for purchasing information.

“Releasing answer keys for COMSAE Phase 1 and Phase 2 to our candidates is a direct response to their feedback,” said Mark Dawley, MBA, vice president for licensure assessment services. “They have asked for this additional resource to help them assess their readiness for COMLEX-USA. We want to do all we can to make sure our candidates feel they are as prepared as possible for these exams.”

Osteopathic schools wishing to purchase COMSAE forms may go here or log into their online Portal accounts for more information. Please note that forms available for COM purchase will not offer the answer keys.

COMSAE forms are reviewed regularly by NBOME National Faculty subject matter experts. COMSAE questions are excellent examples of the style and types of questions candidates will encounter in their COMLEX-USA exams.

Learn more about COMSAE.
