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C3DO Phase 3 Begins

C3DO Tile

C3DO Phase 3 officially kicked off on January 17, 2025, when physician and administrative leads convened at the NBOME offices in Conshohocken, PA. The meeting provided an opportunity for COMs new to C3DO to learn more about what’s ahead, for returning COMs to learn about updates made in Phase 3 based on their feedback and feedback from their student participants, and for all the representatives to learn from each other. We are excited to be partnering with these schools in this next phase.

On January 24, 2025, we held a workshop in Chicago, IL, to review case content and post-encounter questions that will be utilized in Phase 3 administrations. This meeting brought together case developers from the October case development meeting with other NBOME national faculty with expertise in item writing and specifically with the use of the CDM style questions that NBOME has used for years in Level 3 assessments and have been popular with students taking the C3DO administrations.  

Also in January, we recruited additional physician examiners from a national pool of osteopathic physicians. This was essential with the expansion of the C3DO to 11 COMs/14 campuses in Phase 3. As with the COMs and campuses, the physician examiners represent osteopathic education across the U.S.

We thank all the participating COMs, workshop participants, and physician examiners—and others—who continue to work closely with us on this pilot project.