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Match Rank Order Deadline Approaches – How to Counter Your Doubts

February 19, 2021

As time approaches for the rank order deadline and the match, it is not unusual for students to experience anxiety and begin to doubt their plan. Counter this by setting a goal for yourself to submit and certify your list several days before it is due. This avoids any last minute mistakes, poorly thought-out changes, or delays due to unexpected internet issues.

As time approaches for the rank order deadline and the match, it is not unusual for students to experience anxiety and begin to doubt their plan. Counter this by setting a goal for yourself to submit and certify your list several days before it is due. This avoids any last minute mistakes, poorly thought-out changes, or delays due to unexpected internet issues.

Once your list is entered and you are awaiting the results, try to focus your thoughts on the known success that osteopathic applicants have had in the match, as reported by the NRMP.

In addition to the above statistics showing DO success in the match, the 2020 NRMP Program Director’s Report reminds us that the vast majority of programs (95%) cite interpersonal skills as a factor in ranking an applicant, and this factor carries the highest importance overall. As an osteopathic student, you have been well-trained to think holistically and communicate effectively. Trust in the process and in yourself; however, if you do find stress and anxiety to be overwhelming, be sure and reach out to your mentors, advisors, and/or a counselor for help. You can also refer to the Candidate Wellness portion of our Road to DO Licensure page for editorial that could be of benefit to you.

Tracy Middleton, DO, FACOFP, Chair & Clinical Professor, Department of Osteopathic Family & Community Medicine, Midwestern University, AZCOM