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NBOME Conference Travelogue

April 23, 2019

2019 US Osteopathic Medical Regulatory Summit

The 3rd United States Osteopathic Medical Regulatory Summit took place February 28 – March 1, following the Midyear Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) in Naples, Florida. This unique event provided a forum for attendees to explore and define the distinctive elements of osteopathic medical regulation as reflected in osteopathic undergraduate and graduate medical education and accreditation, assessment and licensure, as well as board certification and continuing medical education.

Sponsored by the NBOME, the AOA, and the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) with support from the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations (OHF) and the Osteopathic Founders Foundation (OFF), the two-day event included osteopathic medical students, residents, and other key stakeholders in osteopathic medical regulation. During the summit, attendees reviewed the evidence for the distinctive practice of osteopathic medicine, and the essential elements necessary to ensure high quality, osteopathically distinctive care for our patients in the rapidly changing healthcare arena.

Participants Included Representatives from:

2019 ACGME Annual Education Conference

The 2019 ACGME Annual Education Conference held in early March featured several hundred presentations, sessions and networking opportunities for more than 4,000 educators and learners in the graduate medical education community. The NBOME exhibit booth welcomed hundreds of residency program directors and coordinators, while members of our board and Executive Leadership Team hosted a number of information sessions throughout the conference.

Drs. John Gimpel and Michael Finley hosted a presentation entitled “COMLEX-USA Use by Program Directors as Part of a Comprehensive Assessment System”. The session highlighted areas of harmonization between the COMLEX-USA completed by all osteopathic medical students and DO residents, and the structure of a high performing resident assessment system.

Meanwhile, NBOME Board Secretary-Treasurer, Richard J. LaBaere II, DO, MPH took part in a pre-conference course on The Basics of Institutional Accreditation, and another info session on Improving Graduate Medical Education.

These and other NBOME representatives participated in numerous additional meetings including those hosted by the Assembly of Osteopathic Graduate Medical Educators and numerous ACGME Residency Review Committees. For more on ACGME 2019, see our Reflections on Rediscovering Meaning Medicine article here.

2019 AACOM Annual Conference: Educating Leaders

This April, the NBOME joined a diverse group of attendees, including university and college leadership, government officials, researchers, undergraduate and graduate medical educators, at this year’s AACOM Annual Conference. We explored the topic of big data with friends and colleagues as we discussed the foundations of evidence-based decision making.  NBOME had the opportunity to share update presentations with the AACOM Board of Deans, the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents, and the Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles.

In advance of the conference, NBOME hosted a special workshop and panel discussion focused on the use of national assessment data as part of a comprehensive strategy for demonstrating educational outcomes and continuous quality improvement. Members of the NBOME team (pictured above) also had the opportunity to present NBOME and COMLEX-USA updates to a packed house, during our sponsored luncheon event.

For more insights on the topic of big data and its impact on osteopathic medical licensure, check out our pre-conference article content here.

Coming Up

In the next quarter we’ll be making appearances at the following conferences and meetings:
