Practice Exam
Test Taker
COMAT - Family Medicine Subject Practice Examination

Since the COMAT Subject Examinations and COMAT Practice Examinations are running under different computer environments, some features in this practice exam may behave in ways that contradict what is stated in the exam materials. 

The following list shows the general differences between the two exams.

COMAT Subject Examinations COMAT Practice Examinations
The exam is comprised of 125 items. The exam is comprised of a sample of items.
Tutorial (5 minutes) and exam (2 hours and 30 minutes) are timed. Timer counts down to show time remaining. Tutorial and exam are not timed. Timer shows a static value of 0.
The font size and color scheme drop-down menus will be functional on every screen of the exam. You may enlarge font and alter the color scheme using these features. The font size and color scheme menus are not functional.
Selected answers will be recorded in real time. When you return to an answered question during the exam, you will see your previously selected answer. Selected answers will not be recorded. Each question will be presented as if it is presented for the first time.
Highlight and Strike-out markings are preserved while navigating through the exam. Highlight and Strike-out markings will not be recorded. Each question will be presented as if it is presented for the first time.
The Marked state is preserved while navigating through the exam. The Marked state is not saved while navigating through the exam.
The Review Question screen displays the status of all the questions in the exam and is navigational. The Review Question screen, though navigational, does not represent actual item statuses.
The various Review buttons in the Review Question screen behave as explained in the Tutorial. All the Review buttons behave the same as the Review All button.
Completed exams will be scored by the NBOME. Practice exam items will not be scored.
Answers to the exam questions will not be revealed, either during or after the exam. Show Answer button is provided to display the correct answer to each practice item.
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